Uncoated poly(methyl methacrylate) or PMMA microspheres and spheres are often used in a wide variety of applications including porous ceramics, self assembled microfluidic devices, biomedical research and life sciences. Also called acrylic microspheres, these precision spherical particles are a transparent thermoplastic polymer beads often used as a lightweight alternative to glass microspheres.

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Microspheres, Spheres, Micro beads - PMMA - Poly(methyl Methacrylate) - Acrylic Spherical Particles
Item #: PMMA -
Price: $150.11-$500.38
Item #: PMMA - View

PMMA polymer is an amorphous, transparent and colorless thermoplastic that is hard and stiff. It has good abrasion and UV resistance and excellent optical clarity. PMMA spheres are soluble in... [more info...]