Aluminum (Al) coatings on microspheres offer advantages in developing retroreflective surfaces for high visibility materials and applications. The hemispherical (half-shell) aluminum coating creates the mechanism for retroreflectivity as the light passes through the clear half of the glass bead and “bounces” off the reflective aluminum-coated back surface, directing the light back to the source or the viewer. Additional surface coatings (silane or fluorochemical) ensure that the spheres remain on the surface of the formulation, thereby enhancing the effect of retroreflectivity.

Products 1-2 of 2
Retroreflective Half-Shell Aluminum Coated Solid Glass Microspheres
Item #: P2453BTA -
Price: $138.70-$743.23
Item #: P2453BTA - View

The spheres are offered in dry powder form with the following coating options: Uncoated - no surface treatment Silane Coating (S2) - for improved dispersion in aqueous systems (~76 degree contact... [more info...]

Aluminum-Coated Solid Barium Titanate Glass Microspheres 4.2g/cc - 30-100um Diameter
Item #: BTGMS-Al -
Price: $175.14
Item #: BTGMS-Al - View

Physical Characteristics: Coating: Fully Aluminum Coated (~500nm thickness) Core: Solid Barium Titanate Glass Spheres Density: ~4.2g/cc Appearance: Grey powder [more info...]