Calculation table for the number of microspheres per gram of spherical powder (polyethylene, glass and silica microspheres, spheres and nanospheres). The higher the density of each sphere, the lower the number of spheres in each gram of the material.
A procedure for mixing Tween solutions to facilitate the suspension of hydrophobic particles in water. Applications include, but are not limited to, suspending particles for use as density marker beads in Percoll or other gradients, or for use in flow visualization.
When long-term suspension of microspheres in an aqueous solution is required, it is critical that the density of microspheres is matched as close as possible to the density of water at the correct temperature.
Precision microspheres and spherical powdes offer benefits in a wide variety of applications - spacers and tracer particles, fillers, medical spheres, fluorescent markers, density marker beads, flow visualization and more.
The experiment might require the microspheres to stay in suspension for a long time, without settling or agitation, or a desired settling velocity might need to be achieved for testing a particular instrument.
Microspheres used to manufacture and test medical devices are typically solid particles that are made from robust and stable raw materials such as polymers, glass, and in some cases, ceramics. Different types and grades of microspheres are available and selected based on specific application requirements.
Colored neutrally-buoyant polymer beads from Cospheric are used to measure frictional drag on a test surface.
The safety of Polyethylene has been assessed by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel. The CIR Expert Panel evaluated the scientific data and concluded that Polyethylene was safe for use in cosmetics and personal care products.
A comprehensive guide on what measurement uncertainty is, where it comes from, how it is calculated, and how it applies to particle size (diameter) measurements of Cospheric microspheres.
Compilation of articles using Cospheric products as a reference source for customers.
Custom particle size classification services to grade your particles, powders or aggregates to size. We can grade your particles to any size between 15um (0.00059 inches) and 5.6mm (0.220 inches). The table shows cut sizes that we can currently grade to. Custom cut sizes are available by request.
Useful Links on Microspheres, Microparticles, Spherical Powders - Custom Density, Color, Retroreflectivity