Microspheres - Polyethylene spherical particles in sizes 1micron (1um) to 1700micron (1.7mm)
Microspheres - Polyethylene spherical particles in sizes 1micron (1um) to 1700micron (1.7mm)
  • Microspheres - Polyethylene spherical particles in sizes 1micron (1um) to 1700micron (1.7mm)
  • Microspheres - Polyethylene spherical particles 1micron to 10micron (1um to 10um) in diameter - Unpigmented polymer spheres for microplastics research

Material: Polyethylene (LDPE)
Color: Translucent
Shape: Spherical
Form: Dry powder
Size Range: Each product code specifies size range (min size - max size)
Density: 0.96g/cc-0.98g/cc, each product code specifies density
Particles in Size Range: > 90%
Spherical Particles: > 90%
Auto-Ignition Temperature: 330C-410C
Index of Refraction: ~1.5
Good resistance to alcohols, dilute alkalis and acids
Limited resistance to aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, mineral oils, oxidizing agents and halogenated hydrocarbons
High temperatures reduce resistance to solvents
Might soften and/or melt at temperatures above 100C
Susceptible to stress cracking, if high pressure is applied

Some examples of applications utilizing clear polyethylene microspheres:

  1. Bondline spacers
  2. Porous ceramics
  3. Artificial bone structures
  4. Microplastics effects on living organisms
  5. Unpigmented particles of specific size for simulations
  6. Microplastics (MPs) and Nanoplastics (NPs) research

Born, P., Holldack, K. & Sperl, M. Particle characterization using THz spectroscopy. Granular Matter 17, 2015, 531–536. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10035-015-0578-9

Takaki, K., Rinaldi, G., Berriman, M., Pagán, A, Ramakrishnan, L. Schistosoma mansoni eggs modulate the timing of granuloma formation to promote transmission. bioRxiv 2020.04.14.  https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.0...

L. X. Xu, M. S. Bhamla. Biophysical mechanism of ultrafast helical twisting contraction in the giant unicellular ciliate Spirostomum ambiguum. bioRxiv 854836; https://doi.org/10.1101/854836

Kim, SJ., Kim, JH., The interaction of colloidal particles with weak homeotropic anchoring energy in homogeneous nematic liquid crystal cells. Soft Matter, 2014,10, 2664-2670 https://doi.org/10.1039/C3SM53092B

Select Particle Size and Density:
Item # Description/Size Status Price Qty
CPMS-0.96 1-4um - 0.2g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 1-4um - 0.2g
In Stock $282.88
CPMS-0.96 1-10um - 0.2g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 1-10um - 0.2g
In Stock $264.87
CPMS-0.96 3-16um - 0.2g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 3-16um - 0.2g
In Stock $264.87
CPMS-0.96 10-22um - 0.2g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 10-22um - 0.2g
In Stock $497.37
CPMS-0.96 10-45um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 10-45um - 10g
In Stock $286.88
CPMS-0.96 10-63um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 10-63um - 10g
In Stock $209.49
CPMS-0.96 10-90um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 10-90um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-P-0.96 10-90um - 10g
Tinted Polyethylene Microspheres (Pink) 0.96g/cc 10-90um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 10-106um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 10-106um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-P-0.96 10-106um - 10g
Tinted Polyethylene Microspheres (Pink) 0.96g/cc 10-106um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 10-150um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 10-150um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-P-0.96 10-150um - 10g
Tinted Polyethylene Microspheres (Pink) 0.96g/cc 10-150um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 20-27um - 0.5g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 20-27um - 0.5g
In Stock $398.30
CPMS-0.96 27-32um - 1g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 27-32um - 1g
In Stock $348.26
CPMS-0.96 27-45um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 27-45um - 10g
In Stock $286.88
CPMS-0.96 32-38um - 5g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 32-38um - 5g
In Stock $348.26
CPMS-0.96 38-45um - 5g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 38-45um - 5g
In Stock $348.26
CPMS-0.96 45-53um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 45-53um - 10g
In Stock $286.88
CPMS-0.96 45-75um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 45-75um - 10g
In Stock $209.49
CPMS-0.96 53-63um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 53-63um - 10g
In Stock $286.88
CPMS-0.96 63-75um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 63-75um - 10g
In Stock $209.49
CPMS-0.96 75-90um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 75-90um - 10g
In Stock $209.49
CPMS-0.96 90-106um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 90-106um - 10g
In Stock $209.49
CPMS-0.96 106-125um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 106-125um - 10g
In Stock $175.14
CPMS-0.96 125-150um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 125-150um - 10g
In Stock $175.14
CPMS-0.96 150-180um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 150-180um - 10g
In Stock $175.14
CPMS-0.96 180-212um - 1kg
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 180-212um - 1kg
In Stock $5,375.61
CPMS-0.96 180-212um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 180-212um - 10g
In Stock $175.14
CPMS-0.96 212-250um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 212-250um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 250-300um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 250-300um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 300-355um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 300-355um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 355-425um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 355-425um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 425-500um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 425-500um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 500-600um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 500-600um - 10g
In Stock $138.70
CPMS-0.96 600-710um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 600-710um - 10g
In Stock $161.45
CPMS-0.96 710-850um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 710-850um - 10g
In Stock $183.47
CPMS-0.96 850-1000um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 850-1000um - 10g
In Stock $209.49
CPMS-0.96 1000-1180um - 10g
Clear Polyethylene Microspheres 0.96g/cc 1000-1180um - 10g
Email Us $286.88
CPMS-0.96 1180-1400um - 5g
Clear Polyethylene Spheres 0.96g/cc 1180-1400um - 5g
In Stock $348.26
CPMS-0.96 1400-1700um - 1g
Clear Polyethylene Spheres 0.96g/cc 1400-1700um - 1g
In Stock $348.26
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Ask a Question about this Product:
Hello, Exactly what does the microsphere density represent? If I wanted to calculate a volume for the microspheres from their weight, what would you recommend is the best way to do this?
Thank you for your question. The Density listed on our products is the true particle density. When calculating the number of spheres per gram, we recommend utilizing the mean diameter of the specified size range, and this true particle density. We have pre-calculated the estimated mass per gram for a number of our typical size ranges and densities at the page below: https://www.cospheric.com/calculations_of_spheres_per_gram.htm
Cospheric Team September 27, 2020 1:29 PM